The Division of Economic Development is a friendly entrance to our Department of Housing, Economic, Development and Commerce in Jersey City. We are here to help!
Jersey City is a globally connected community and one of the most multi-cultural cities in the United States. From Wall Street to Main Street, Jersey city is a successful story. Let us help your story be a success as well. Our pro-commerce innovation approach facilitates an easy navigation to our Real Estate Redevelopment Urban Enterprise Zones, business creation and retention with information on how to work on the pertinent municipal permits, etc. The Division of Economic Development is the place to help, whether you're seeking advice or need quick answers to accomplish your business related goals.
Jersey City is New Jersey’s best municipality for young professionals and jobs creation. Please let us help you and together we can boast a world class business environment.

We not only promote Economic Development through business, we also have the largest sister cities program in the State of New Jersey, we promote arts and commerce as stabilization of our main urban corridors. Our sister cities development program has featured 20 cities in 18 different countries all over the world. Including: Argentina, Antigua, Brazil, China, Dominican Republic, Greece, Ghana, Hungry, Italy, Ireland, Israel, India, Nepal, Peru, Philippines, Spain, South Korea, and Puerto Rico.
If you would like more information about Economic Development, please contact:
Jose Arango, Director Division of Economic Development
Phone: (201) 547- 6567 and E-mail:
[email protected]
Jaime Santana-Paez
Phone: (201) 547- 4941 and E-mail:
[email protected]
Address: 360 Martin Luther King Drive (1 Jackson Square) Jersey City, N. J. 07305