Soil Erosion Prior-Approval Requirement change effective 7/1/23
Please be advised that, starting July 1, 2023, the current district fee schedule took effect
The Request for Determination of Ch.251 Non-Applicability form is to be used when the municipality or applicant requires a written determination that the soil disturbance/work area will not exceed 5,000 square feet and thus would not be regulated under the Soil Erosion & Sediment Control Act.
The fee for the Request for Determination of Non-Applicability (5000sf. Threshold determination) is now $95. Visit for forms.
The Division of the Construction Code Official is empowered by the Jersey City Municipal Code to:
Administer and enforce the State Uniform Construction Code and conduct the centralized issuance of permits and inspection services.
Condemn properties in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40:48-2.3 et seq.
Issue permits for alterations, additions, new buildings, and inspections both before and after occupancy is permitted.
Conduct ongoing inspections of elevators, swimming pools, backflow preventers.
Register non-state licensed contractors.

Construction Site Work Hours are Monday thru Friday 7:00am-6:00pm (Excluding Federal Holidays)