Transit Equity Day: Jersey Renews Joins Mayor Fulop to Highlight Electrification
Transit Equity Day: Jersey Renews Joins Mayor Fulop to Highlight Electrification
Jersey Renews and the Amalgamated Transit Union are fighting for transit equity as part of a national day of action. At the Tuesday event, speakers and attendees showed their support for public transportation as a matter of climate justice. Jersey Renews hosted the rally in Jersey City, in partnership with Mayor Fulop, who also announced the release of a new RFP for public electric vehicle charging infrastructure to be installed throughout the city for public use. The RFP will also help the Fulop Administration begin to transition its municipal fleet to electric power.
This day of action looks to promote a just transition that upholds worker and civil rights, emphasizing access to affordable public transit, fueled by renewable energy that doesn’t contribute to air pollution or the degradation of our climate. Speakers from labor, environment, and faith communities discussed the need to electrify buses and other public transport, as well as garbage trucks and other municipal fleet vehicles to ensure New Jersey’s environmental and economic future.